Nerd Journal
What can I say, I'm totally a Star Stable nerd. This page is for information I find interesting or like to share. It might be quotes from people of Jorvik or information about people of jorvik. Maybe even some history facts.
FYI: This page can include spoilers, if you do not wish to get spoiled do not continue!
The meaning of a journal, a journal is a book or a place to store your ideas, thoughts or memories. A journal can be shared with others or remain private.
The inhabitants of Jorvik, both the ancestors and descendants of those.
On the island of Jorvik you may find yourself surrounded by the amazing fauna and flora. Is this fauna real? This looks poisonous!
All over Jorvik there's interesting things, small tinkers from the ancestors to interesting looking ritual stones. What is all of this?
Jorvik is a place with many corners, a place in constant ice age and a place stuck in autumn.
Many years of history, where is it all stored? Let's find out!